Eleva a la humanidad a través de Odd Fellowship

Únase a nosotros para promover la benevolencia y la fraternidad en la comunidad Odd Fellow de Florida

Welcome to the Grand Lodge of Florida

We promote Odd Fellowship in Florida, enhancing the character of mankind through community support and brotherhood in a 200-year-old tradition of benevolence and fraternity.

A Small act is worth a million thoughts

Guide of William "Bill" Campbell - Grand Master

Promoting Odd Fellowship

Dedicated to uplifting humanity through the principles of Odd Fellowship in Florida.

Community Engagement
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree

Fostering connections and support within our communities across Florida and the World.

red and green plastic pack
red and green plastic pack
books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf
Charitable Initiatives

Supporting local charities and promoting benevolence through various community service projects.

Educational Programs

Learning and growth opportunities for members and the community.

Odd Fellowship

Explore our gallery showcasing the spirit of Odd Fellowship in Florida.

What Would Odd Fellowship Do For Me?

It provides:

1. A more purposeful life.
2. A broadening of your mind.
3. Inner satisfaction money can’t buy.
4. Leadership training.
5. Community activities and participation.
6. Opportunities to help children and the elderly.
7. A warm welcome in strange cities and distant lands.
8. Good fellowship.
9. Enduring friendship.
